Now we release our third video from the new record!
The song is called Mikaeli and is based on two Mikaeli songs and a love song, recorded by Roger Bergsten at Nevo Studios.
Together with Ulrika Bodén, we have now played in 13 songs, a total of 53 minutes, new and old music and are very happy to be able to present our collaboration on record. Record release with concert at Umefolk 22 February.
Come listen, buy the record, talk to us and celebrate the release!
Release soon
Book the album release at Umefolk, concert and opportunity to buy the new album, 22 February.
Or come to the Sundsvall release, at Jazzklubben Sundsvall on February 24.
We will update the tour plan and more information will come soon about where the record can be ordered. Welcome!

Thanks to the audience and organizers for a wonderful summer! Together with Ulrika Bodén, we have played at Ransätersstämman, Korrö folk music festival and most recently at Kalottspel. This is followed by an autumn with more gigs, both as a trio and with Ulrika. We will also record an album together as a quartet, to be released in February.

New song
Here is one more song from our upcoming album with Ulrika Bodén, “Ingen större fröjd”.
We found it in “Visor från Skånska landsbygden” and the slängpolska is after Nils Jönsson in Sövestad.
Recorded by Roger Bergsten, Nevo Studios, Sundsvall.
If you want to hear us live, take the opportunity to come to Jönköping or Malmö on March 8-9. Or why not visit Shetland in May? If it feels far away, maybe the Ransätersstämman or the Korrö Folk Music Festival is a better fit. However, if you like beautiful nature, we recommend Kalottspel in Northern Norway.
Hope to see you somewhere!
New video!
Here is the first taste of our upcoming album together with Ulrika Bodén.
“Men det värsta hände mig” (But the worst thing happened to me) after Eva Hedberg, Bredsele, Dorotea parish. The instrumental parts are a hearding song found by Rudolf Halvarsson, Torp.
Recorded by Roger Bergsten, Nevo Studios, Sundsvall.
Shetland Folk Festival
Hooray, we’re going to play at the Shetland Folk Festival again, this time together with Ulrika Bodén. So fun it will be! If you haven’t been there, go there, it’s a fantastic festival in every way!

Cristmas concert
On Wednesday 14 December it is time for our traditional Christmas concert at Teater SOJA in Sundsvall. There are a few places left, information about times and registration can be found in the facebook event. Welcome!
We are going to Finland again, finally!
On Thursday 10 November there will first be a workshop and then a concert in Kaustinen. 11-12 Nov we hold a course at Lappfjärd folk high school and Saturday evening there will also be a concert there. We are really looking forward to taking the ferry east, hope to see you!

10 years since the winter
Next weekend it’s time for Ransäterstämman again, which we long for! Then it’s 10 years since we released our first record, Vintern. It happened in Teknologen and we still look exactly the same. In the summer, we will start rolling a little carefully, we will go to some spelmansstämmor and festivals under cover, ie no official gigs, but then there will be more in the autumn. If you want to see us at a concert this summer, come to Skönsmon’s church on July 24 or Spel och dansstämma in Anundsjö on July 30.